Cryptography Reference
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for small x values (such as ours). Hence, the probability of no collisions is
n )
e j/n = e m ( m 1) / (2 n ) .
j =1
j =1
Therefore, the probability of at least one collision occurring is
e m ( m 1) / (2 n ) .
p c
e m ( m 1) / (2 n )
p c ,
p c ) ,
(where ln( x )isthe natural logarithm , meaning the log to the base e , with e x
being the natural exponential function .) Hence,
m ( m
1) / (2 n )
m 2
2 n ln(1
p c ) ,
and so
m 2
2 n ln(1
p c )
2 n ln(1 / (1
p c )) ,
since we can safely ignore the smaller factor of
m in an approximation, so
2 n ln(1 / (1
p c )) .
1 . 17 n . Clearly then, by hashing over little more than
n random elements of
If p c =1 / 2, then m
, we have a greater than 50% chance of finding a
collision. This is the birthday attack.
The birthday attack places a lower bound on the number of bits a hash
function should have in order to be secure. The reason is that the birthday
attack can find a collision in O (2 k/ 2 ) hashings on an k -bit function. Thus, if
k = 64, then it is not secure against the birthday attack since only 2 32 hashings
are required.
The following illustration of the birthday attack was first presented by Yuval
in 1979 (see [297]), and we re-presented it in [170].
Alice Cheats Bob Using the Birthday Attack
The hash function has 64 bits. Alice wants Bob to sign a contract that he
thinks will benefit him, and later she wants to “prove” that he signed a contract
that actually robs him of his life savings.
1. Alice prepares two contracts, one that is “good” for Bob, C G , and one, C B ,
which will sign away his savings.
(2) Alice makes very minor changes in each of C G and C B . Then she hashes
2 32 modified versions of C G and 2 32 modified versions of C B .
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