Cryptography Reference
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tifying information such as a birth certificate or passport. The following was
introduced in 1991 (see [242]). Again, we need Trent for this (zero-knowledge)
interactive proof of knowledge.
Schnorr Identification Protocol
Trent's Actions : Trent selects each of the following parameters.
A large prime p such that the DLP in
F p is intractable (say, p
2 1024 ).
A large prime divisor q of p
1 (say, q
2 160 ).
F p such that ord p ( α )= q (say, α = β ( p 1) /q where β is a primitive
root modulo p ).
A parameter t such that q> 2 t (usually t
5. A secure signature scheme embodying a secret digital-signing algorithm
sig T ( k ) and a public digital-verifying algorithm ver T ( k ) for verification of
Trent's signatures. (Typically sig T ( k ) involves a cryptographic hash func-
tion for security(see page 170), but we will omit this here for increased
clarityof presentation.)
Then Trent creates a certificate for Alice as follows:
6. Trent establishes a bitstring containing information I A that identifies Alice.
Then Alice selects a private random nonnegative exponent e
1 and
α e (mod p ), which she sends to Trent. Upon receipt,
Trent generates a signature s = sig T ( k ) ( I A ,v ), therebyblinding I A with
v . Then he sends the certificate C ( A )=( I A ,v,s ) to Alice.
she computes v
Three-Pass Identification Protocol : Alice wishes to identifyherself to
Bob, who verifies her identitybyproving knowledge of e (without revealing e ).
1. Alice selects a random k
, called a commitment , and computes
α k (mod p ) .
Then she sends her certificate C ( A ) and γ , called the witness , to Bob.
2. Bob computes ver T ( k ) (( I A ,v,s )) = 1, therebyverifing Trent's signature.
Then Bob selects a random natural number r
2 t , called the challenge ,
which he sends to Alice.
3. Alice computes y
k + er (mod q ), called the response , which she sends to
α y v r (mod p ), and if δ
4. Bob computes δ
γ (mod p ), called the verifica-
tion , he accepts Alice's identity. Otherwise, he rejects it.
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