Cryptography Reference
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the password from the verifier. Thus, the verifier-based protocols are those that
onlyrequire the verifier to be stored (not the password). However, in rectifying
the password-storage problem inherent in EKE, A-EKE destroys a desirable
propertythat is possessed byEKE, namely forward secrecy , which means that
revealing the password to a cryptanalyst does not help in obtaining session keys
of past sessions (see [272]). To address these problems and create a protocol
that has all the positive and none of the negative features of the EKE fam-
ily, a new protocol was developed at Stanford University in 1997, called Secure
Remote Protocol (SRP). SRP differs from the EKE familyin that instead of re-
lying on shared secrets such as passwords or their equivalents stored by a server,
SRP mandates that the server store a salt value (see Footnote 3.8 on page 136)
and a verifier. Without password storage, SRP is more secure than password
schemes, performing a secure keyexchange in the authentication process. We
now describe this protocol as a closing feature of this section.
Secure Remote Protocol (SRP-6) — Latest Version
Carol will interact with Victor to establish a password k , and upon mutual
authentication, a session key S will be used to establish a key K to be used to
encrypt all future traKc.
Background Assumptions : All computations are carried out modulo a
preselected large prime p , and α is a primitive root modulo p , also preselected.
The prime p must be a safe prime , which means that ( p
1) / 2 must be a prime.
These are public values. H is a hash function (typically SHA-1 is used with
SRP-6; see page 255). To establish a password k with Victor, Carol picks a
random salt s and computes v
α d (mod p ), where d = H ( s, k ), her private
key. Victor stores v and s as Carol's password verifier and salt. All equalities
below are assumed to be reductions modulo p for convenience.
Protocol Steps :
1. Carol sends I C and A = α a (where a is a nonce) to Victor.
2. Victor looks up her password entry, retrieves s and v from the database,
and sends both s and B =3 v + α b (where b is a nonce) to Carol.
3. Both Carol and Victor, independently, compute u = H ( A, B ).
5. Carol computes her private key d = H ( s, k ), then she calculates S =
( B
3 α d ) ( a + ud ) . Victor independentlycomputes S =( Av u ) b .
6. Both Carol and Victor applythe hash to get K = H ( S ), the session key.
7. To verifythat she has the correct ke, Carol sends
h 1 = H ( H ( p
H ( α )) ,H ( I C ) ,s,A,B,K )
to Victor, where
is addition modulo 2.
8. Victor computes h 1 and verifies that it matches the value of h 1 sent by
Carol, then he sends h 2 = H ( A, h 1 ,K ) to her.
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