Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
the RSA signature scheme with appendix.
We close this section with a description and discussion of the first DSS rec-
ognized by any government. In August of 1991, NIST proposed the Digital
Signature Standard (DSS) and in May of 1994, it became FIPS 186, (see [91]).
Although this evolved into a new standard in the twenty-first century, for sim-
plicity, we present the original standard here, (see [92] for the current DSS,
which uses key sizes of 1024 bits or more ).
Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA — the DSS)
Setup Stage :
1. Alice selects a prime q with 160 bits. Then she selects a prime p with
bitlength a multiple of 64 between 512 and 1024, satisfying the property
that q divides p
F p of order q modulo p . This can be done, for instance,
by selecting a primitive root a modulo p and setting α
2. She chooses an α
a ( p 1) /q (mod p ).
F q B 160 (bitstrings of length 160) is
selected. She chooses a private key e
3. A cryptographic hash function h :
such that e<q and computes
α e (mod p ).
4. She publishes ( p, q, α, β ) and keeps private her key e .
Signing Stage : Alice performs the following in order to sign a message
F q . In what follows, we will assume that any powers of α or β have been
reduced modulo p before being used in any congruence modulo q :
1. Select a random r
such that r
α r (mod q ).
2. Compute γ
r 1 ( h ( m )+ ) (mod q ).
3. Compute σ
4. Alice sends m and sig k ( m, r )=( γ,σ ) to Bob.
Verification Stage : Bob executes the following steps:
1. Obtain Alice's public data ( p, q, α, β ).
σ 1 h ( m ) (mod q ) and δ 2
σ 1 γ (mod q ).
2. Compute δ 1
α δ 1 β δ 2 (mod q ).
3. Compute δ
4. ver k ( m, ( γ,σ )) = 1 if and only if δ
γ (mod q ), in which case Bob accepts,
and rejects otherwise.
a given transmission medium. In other words, it is the speed of data on a given transmission
path, usually measured in Mbps (see Footnote 3.11, page 160).
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