Cryptography Reference
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The RSA Public-Key Cryptosystem
We break the algorithm into two parts with the underlying assumption that
Alice wants to send a message to Bob.
(I) RSA Key Generation
1. Bob generates two large, random primes p
= q of roughly the same size,
and computes both n = pq and
φ ( n )=( p
1)( q
1) .
The integer n is called his ( RSA ) modulus .
2. He selects a random e
such that 1 <e<φ ( n ) and gcd( e, φ ( n )) = 1.
The integer e is called his ( RSA ) enciphering exponent. Then using the
extended Euclidean algorithm (see page 471), he computes the unique
with 1 <d<φ ( n ) such that
1 (mod φ ( n )) .
3. Bob publishes ( n, e ) in some public database and keeps d, p, q , and φ ( n )
private. Thus, Bob's ( RSA ) public-key is ( n, e ) and his ( RSA ) private key
is d . The integer d is called his ( RSA ) deciphering exponent .
(II) RSA Public-Key Cipher
enciphering stage :
In order to simplify this stage, we assume that the plaintext message m
is in numerical form with m<n . Also,
, and we assume that
gcd( m, n )=1.
1. Alice obtains Bob's public key ( n, e ) from the database.
m e (mod n ) using the repeated squaring
method given on page 171, and sends c
2. She enciphers m by computing c
to Bob.
deciphering stage :
Once Bob receives c , he uses d to compute m
c d (mod n ).
Example 4.5 Suppose that Bob chooses ( p, q ) = (9221 , 7489) .Then n =
69056069 and φ ( n ) = 69039360 .If Bob selects e =7 , then solving 1=7 d + φ ( n ) x
( for x =
4) , he gets d = 39451063 , his private key.Also, (69056069 , 7) is
his public key.Alice obtains Bob's public key and wishes to send the message
m = 7289258 .She enciphers using Bob's public key to get
m 7
19407420 (mod n ) ,
which she sends to Bob.He uses his private key d to decipher via
c d
19407420 39451063
m (mod n ) .
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