Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
On page 9, we looked at the concept of transposition/permutation ciphers.
We can now formalize this definition as well. First, as an introductory mecha-
nism, think of the following type of cipher as one in which the characters of the
plaintext are reordered according to some agreed-upon procedure by, say, Al-
ice and Bob, who are corresponding with one another (securely). For instance,
as we saw on page 9, the skytale is an historical example of such a cipher.
A modern-day example is in most local newspapers, namely, an anagram puz-
zle , which is a meaningful rearrangement of an already meaningful plaintext.
The clear conclusion, from the fact that these are solved on a regular basis by
ordinary readers, is that these kinds of ciphers are easily cryptanalyzed.
To informally introduce the notion of a “permutation” f on a set
to itself. A naive
question that arises is: How many such permutations are there? We see that
for the first element 1, of
1 , 2 ,...,r
, we may think of f as a bijective function from
there are r choices to which it can be mapped, and
for the second choice, 2, there remain r
1 choices to which it can be mapped
(since we cannot map the first element to more than one element given that f
is a function), and similarly for the third element, 3, there are r
2 elements to
which we can map it, and so on. Hence, the total number of such permutations
is r !. This explains the cardinality of the keyspace below.
Permutation/Transposition Ciphers
A simple transposition cipher or simple permutation cipher is a symmetric-
key block cryptosystem having blocklength r
, with keyspace
being the
set of permutations on
. The enciphering and deciphering transfor-
mations are given as follows, respectively:
1 , 2 ,...,r
For each m =( m 1 ,m 2 ,...,m r )
, and e
E e ( m )=( m e (1) ,m e (2) ,...,m e ( r ) ) ,
and for each c =( c 1 ,c 2 ,...,c r )
D d ( c )= D e 1 ( c )=( c d (1) ,c d (2) ,...,c d ( r ) ) .
In the above, notice that e implicitly defines r since e is a permutation on
r symbols. Moreover, in such cryptosystems, the cardinality
= r !. The
following is a simple, perhaps amusing, illustration of how such permutation
ciphers work in transposing the places where the plaintext letters sit.
| K |
Example 3.3 Suppose that r =13 and
. We apply the key
e = 123456789 0 1 2 3
912613174102 3 11 5 8
/ 26
to the plaintext,
m =( m 1 ,m 2 ,m 3 ,m 4 ,m 5 ,m 6 ,m 7 ,m 8 ,m 9 ,m 10 ,m 11 ,m 12 ,m 13 )=
( b,r,i,t,n,e,y,s,p,e,a,r,s ) ,
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