Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
A0ne ciphers are just special cases of the following, which we informally
encountered on page 8. This can now be put into a well-defined mathematical
notion. The reader unfamiliar with, or in need of a reminder of at least the no-
tation for, the notion of permutations should review page 9 where we introduced
the informal notion therein.
Substitution Ciphers
A substitution cipher is defined as follows. Let
be an alphabet of definition
consisting of n symbols, and
be the set of all blocks of length r
. The keyspace,
, consists of all ordered r -tuples e =( σ 1 2 ,...,σ r )of
permutations σ j on
. The enciphering and deciphering transformations are
defined by the actions below, respectively. If e
and m =( m 1 m 2 ...m r )
, then
E e ( m )=( σ 1 ( m 1 ) 2 ( m 2 ) ,...,σ r ( m r )) = ( c 1 ,c 2 ,...,c r )= c
and for d =( d 1 ,d 2 ,...,d r )=( σ 1 2 ,...,σ r )= σ 1 ,
D d ( c )=( d 1 ( c 1 ) ,d 2 ( c 2 ) ,...,d r ( c r )) = ( σ 1 ( c 1 ) 2 ( c 2 ) ,...,σ r ( c r )) = m.
= σ r , then this cryp-
tosystem is called a simple substitution cipher or monoalphabetic substitution
cipher . If the keys differ, we call this cryptosystem a polyalphabetic substitution
cipher .
Thus, we know that the Caesar cipher is an example of a block cipher that
is a monoalphabetic substitution, whereas the Vigenere cipher, studied earlier
(see page 56), is an example of a polyalphabetic substitution.
As we have seen in Chapters 1 and 2, simple substitution ciphers suffer from
the inherent weakness that a frequency analysis can be done on the ciphertext,
whereas polyalphabetic substitution ciphers are more secure than the monoal-
phabetic ones.
When a substitution block cipher replaces one or more symbols by groups of
ciphertext symbols, we call this a polygramsubstitutioncipher . We encountered
one of these already on page 68, namely, the Playfair cipher, which is an exam-
ple of a digraphic cipher. In fact, as we saw therein, this was the first literal
digraphic cipher. Another polygram substitution cipher we have already men-
tioned in our historical travels is the Hill cipher. We now describe this cipher
in detail.
The reader will need a tiny bit of elementary matrix theory, all of which is
supplied in Appendix A (see pages 491-494).
The Hill Cipher
If all the keys are the same, namely, σ 1 = σ 2 =
Choose fixed r,n
and let the keyspace
r (
): e is invertible
) r . This
and let the message space,
and ciphertext space
, both be (
stands for r copies of the integers
, meaning ordered r -tuples of integers
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