Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Voltage Clamps
To study the variable voltage-time-resistance channels for
Na þ , Hodgkin and
Huxley used a voltage clamp to separate these two dynamic mechanisms so only the
time-dependent features of the channel were examined. Figure 12.21 shows the voltage
clamp experiment by using the equivalent circuit model previously described. The channels
K þ and
K þ and
Na þ are represented using variable voltage-time resistances, and the passive
Na þ ,
K þ , and
Cl are given by a leakage channel with resistance
gates for
(that is, the
Thevenin's equivalent circuit of the passive channels). The function of the voltage clamp
is to suspend the interaction between
R l
K þ channel resistance and the membrane
potential, as shown in Figure 12.22. If the membrane voltage is not clamped, then changes
Na þ and
Na þ and
K þ channel resistance modify membrane voltage, which then changes
Na þ and
K þ channel resistance, and so on, as previously described.
A voltage clamp is created by using two sets of electrodes, as shown in Figure 12.23.In
an experiment, one pair injects current,
I m
, to keep
V m
constant, and another pair is used to
Na þ and
K þ channels,
V m
. To estimate the conductance in the
I m
is also measured
during the experiment. Meters for recording
V m
I m
are shown in Figure 12.21. They
Current Meter
Voltage Meter
I m
I Na
R Na
R Cl
C m
I Na
V m
E Na
E Cl
I m
FIGURE 12.21 Equivalent circuit model of an unmyelinated section of squid giant axon under voltage clamp
conditions. The channels for
K þ and
Na þ are now represented using variable voltage-time resistances, and the pas-
Na þ ,
K þ , and
Cl are given by a leakage channel with resistance
sive gates for
pump is illustrated
within the shaded area of the circuit. In the experiment, the membrane is immersed in the seawater bath.
R l . The
Voltage clamp interrupts this
process at this stage
g Na
Inward I Na
FIGURE 12.22
Voltage clamp experiment interrupts the cycle shown in Figure 12.20.
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