Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Example Problem 9.20 describes a summing op amp circuit.
Find the overall gain for the following circuit.
R a
R 2
R b
V a
V b
v n
v 0
v p
As before, we start the solution with
v n ¼ v p and note that the noninverting input is connected
to ground, yielding
v n ¼ v p ¼
0 V. Applying KCL at the inverting input node gives
V a
R a V b
R b v o
R 2 ¼
v o ¼ R 2
R a V a þ R 2
R b V b
This circuit is a weighted summation of the input voltages. We can add additional source
resistor inputs so that in general
v o ¼ R 2
R a V a þ R 2
R b V b þ ...þ R 2
R m V m
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