Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Recurrent network activities v ( t )
u ( t )
Network nonlinearity
b (
Recurrent neural
networks (RNN)
( t|t −1), v ( t ), u ( t ))
Weight state vector
( t −1| t −1)=
( t | t −1)
Weight state update & Delay
( t|t ) =
Bank of unit-time
( t|t −1)+ G ( t )α( t )
d ( t )
Extended Kalman
filter (EKF)
Innovation process
α( t )= d ( t )− b (
( t|t −1), v ( t ), u ( t ))
Fig. 2.16 Closed-loop feedback system incorporating EKF for RNN. RNN performs a role of
the predictor with network nonlinear function, whereas EKF performs a role of the corrector with
innovation process in a recursive manner in this system
prediction, so that independent parallel filters should be implemented for 3D
motions [ 83 ]. Furthermore, IMM method was investigated to compare with a pre-
diction method based on the first-order extended Kalman filter by Hong et al. [ 72 ].
Breathing variation, such as deep or fast breathing, results in a relatively low
accuracy of breathing motion prediction. King et al. showed that a multiple sub-
model method based on breathing amplitude can provide an adaptive motion model
with adjusting basic sub-models [ 100 ]. They validated that the combined models
with multiple sub-models can show the prediction errors of 1.0-2.8 mm. Hybrid Extended Kalman Filter
Kalman filters are widely used for training nonlinear function of the state esti-
mation and prediction for desired input-output mappings [ 72 , 81 , 83 ]. Kalman
filter can also be used for supervised training framework of recurrent neural net-
works using nonlinear sequential state estimators. The prediction and correction
property is an intrinsic property of Kalman filter. In Hybrid extended Kalman filter
(HEKF), recurrent neural network (RNN) performs a role of the predictor with
network nonlinear function including input vector (u), recurrent network activities
(v), and adaptive weight state vectors (w), whereas EKF performs a role of the
corrector with innovation process in a recursive manner, as shown in Fig. 2.16
[ 101 , 102 ].
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