Biomedical Engineering Reference
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x ( t )
a 0
ˆ t
z - 1
a 1
z - 1
a 2
z - 1
a n
Fig. 2.5 Linear predictor with tapped-delay line. The predicted value is a linear combination of
previous observations x(t - n) and predictor coefficients a n that are not changing over time
User defined
u ( t+ 1)
z ( t+ 1)
u ( t )
z ( t )
Hidden state
V , R
V , R
x ( t -1)
x ( t )
x ( t +1)
W , Q
W , Q
t +1
Fig. 2.6 Roles of the variables in the Kalman filter. u(t)isann-dimensional known vector, and
z(t) is a measurement vector. The next state is calculated based on the dynamic equation, such as
xt þ ð Þ¼ Fx ðÞþ Bu ðÞþ V . Here, V and W are process noise and measurement noise with
covariance R and Q Kalman Filter
The Kalman filter (KF) is one of the most commonly used prediction methods in
real-time filtering technologies [ 72 , 73 , 75 , 81 - 83 ]. KF provides a recursive
solution to minimize mean square error within the class of linear estimators, where
linear process and measurement equations to predict a tumor motion can be
expressed as follows [ 84 ]:
x ð t Þ¼ Fx ð t 1 Þþ Bu ð t 1 Þþ W ;
z ð t Þ¼ Hx ð t Þþ V ;
ð 2 : 2 Þ
where we denote the state transition matrix as F, the control-input matrix as B, and
the measurement matrix as H. u(t)isann-dimensional known vector, and z(t)isa
measurement vector. The random variables W and V represent the process and
measurement noise with the property of the zero-mean white Gaussian noise with
¼ Q ðÞ , respectively. The
matrices F, B, W, H, and V are assumed known and possibly time-varying (Fig. 2.6 ).
EW ðÞ W ðÞ T ¼ R ðÞ and E V ðÞ V ðÞ T
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