Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Polymer fibers
Lock in
Laser beam
Photo diodes
Flow cell
FIA system
Flow direction
Transducer with
analyte derivative
Laser beam
Schematic diagram of the RIANA (adapted from [86]).
target molecules [85]. Barzen et al. [86] reported a prototype optical immunosen-
sor called RIver ANAlyser (RIANA). RIANA is based on a solid-phase fl uoroim-
munoassay that takes place at an optical transducer chip. The transducer surface was
chemically modifi ed with three analyte derivatives placed in different discrete loca-
tions. The transducer was mounted in a fl ow cell and passed a mixture of analyte and
fl uorescent dye (Cy5.5 dye) conjugated antibody after preincubation. The excitation
of bound fl uorescently labeled antibodies was accomplished using a collimated He-
Ne laser that was directly launched into the transducer. The collected light was subse-
quently fi ltered to avoid any collected pump radiation, and detected with photodiodes
(Fig. 2.10). The RIANA could be used for simultaneous detection of various pesti-
cides in one sample. Two sets of three different analytes (atrazine, alachlor, pentachlo-
rophenol and 2, 4-D, simazine, isoproturon) were detected successfully and the limit
of detection was comparable with single analyte immunoassay [86]. In another study
RIANA has also been employed for the simultaneous determination of three different
contaminants, atrazine, isoproturon, and estrone, present in real samples [87]. The lim-
its of detection for atrazine, isoproturon and estrone were 0.155, 0.046 and 0.084 ng
mL 1 , respectively. Propanil, a herbicide present in water, has also been quantifi ed
up to the subnanogram level (0.6 ng l 1 ) using RIANA, without any preconcentration
[88]. Mastichiadis et al. [89] reported a four band disposable optical capillary immu-
nosensor, which was capable of detecting pesticides such as mesotrione, paraquat,
diquat and hexaconazole with detection limits of 0.04, 0.06, 0.09 and 0.10 ng mL 1
and dynamic ranges up to 9, 6, 12 and 15 ng mL 1 , respectively.
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