Biomedical Engineering Reference
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only recently received a serious consideration [5]. It is now accepted that the super-
oxide radical is an important agent of the toxicity of dioxygen and superoxide dis-
mutases (SODs) constitute the primary defense against this radical [6-9].
Univalently reduced oxygen is called the hydroperoxyl radical (HO 2 ) in its pro-
tonated form and the O 2 radical in its ionized form. The HO 2 is a weak acid with
a p Ka of 4.8 [10]. The O 2 radical can be produced either by the univalent reduc-
tion of dioxygen or by the univalent oxidation of H 2 O 2 . For example, the O 2 can be
produced from the electrochemical reduction of dioxygen in aprotic solvents [11-15]
or in alkaline aqueous media [16, 17] or from the chemical reduction of dioxygen by
hydrated electrons or by hydrogen atoms generated during the photolysis [18-21],
radiolysis [10, 22-24], or ultrasonication of water [25, 26]. It could also be produced
from the reduction of dioxygen by carbanions [27, 28], reduced dyes or fl avins [29-
33], catecholamines [34], ferredoxins [35-37], or hemoproteins [38, 39]; and the oxi-
dation of H 2 O 2 by ceric ions [40]. The O 2 radical has been detected by a number
of physical methods including conductimetry [41], optical spectroscopy [42, 43],
electron-spin-resonance spectroscopy (ESR) [44-49], and mass spectrometry [50].
In biological systems, O 2 is generated as a reduced intermediate of molecular diox-
ygen in signifi cant quantities and is a primary species of the so-called reactive oxygen
species (ROS). As one part of the host defense systems and as cell/cell signaling mole-
cules, O 2 performs an essential function. Under normal physiological conditions, O 2
undergoes a disproportionation by non-catalytic or enzymatic reactions, leading to a
rather low and undetectable endogenous physiological concentration. An increase in the
activity of O 2 has been found to occur in response to traumatic brain injury ischemia
reperfusion and hypoxia [51] and O 2 may be involved in the etiology of aging, cancer,
and progressive neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease [52-56].
Due to its great roles in biological process, quantitative information on the O 2 level
in a variety of in-vitro and in-vivo models has become very essential in understanding
pathology and physiology of diseases relevant to ROS and free-radical biochemistry.
However, the short lifetime, low concentration, and high reactivity of O 2 substan-
tially make it relatively diffi cult to measure the concentration of O 2 . Actually, O 2 is
not so reactive itself, but it can be disproportionated rapidly in the presence of SODs or
react with other biomolecules to produce H 2 O 2 . H 2 O 2 can be easily turned to hydroxyl
radical, which is the most potent radical, by the Fenton reaction in the presence of
metal ions such as Fe 2 and Cu 2 [57-59].
Due to the rapidity of the spontaneous dismutation reactions, the steady-state con-
centrations of O 2 achieved by chemical or by enzymatic reactions are usually quite
low. The physical methods for detecting O 2 , although direct and unequivocal, are
restricted to measurements of steady-state concentrations and are thus often found to
lack of sensitivity. For distince, due to the reason mentioned above, when the EPR
method was employed for studying the O 2 production by xanthine oxidase, it was
necessary to use a high concentration of the reactants and to work at elevated pH so
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