Biomedical Engineering Reference
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activation at room temperature. It is apparent that fusion of prote-
oliposomes to pore-suspending membranes needs to be accelerated
to overcome this problem.
Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is an integral membrane protein that uses
light to translocate protons across membranes in Halobacterium
salinarium . The bacteria use the proton gradient in the absence of
light to generate ATP. In the lipid bilayers, bR forms trimers
packed in highly ordered two-dimensional hexagonal arrays,
which make up 75% of the membrane; hence, they are named pur-
ple membranes. 87 One monomer is comprised of seven transmem-
brane helices, connected by short extramembraneous loops, span-
ning the lipid bilayer. 88 In the inner core of the helix bundle, a reti-
nal moiety is covalently bound to the lysine residue Lys 216 via a
Schiff-base. The retinal is vital for the protein pump mechanism.
Upon illumination, it isomerizes from a trans to cis configuration,
which initiates the active transport of a proton. During one photo
cycle, a single proton is translocated across the bilayer. Eventually,
the retinal moiety is again adapting a trans configuration, allowing
for a new photo cycle to start. 89,90 In contrast to the above de-
scribed ion channel gramicidin, bR is an active transporter protein.
This class of proteins is characterized by small turnover numbers;
in the case of bR, 100 protons are translocated per second. 91 Com-
pared to ion channels, which conduct up to 10 7 species per second,
the number of transported molecules is by many orders of magni-
tude smaller. This fact hampers the investigation of transporters
with electrochemical methods due to an unfavourable signal-to-
noise ratio. In order to enhance signals from transporters, the den-
sity of molecules in the system needs to be sufficiently high. Here,
we employed bR to verify that we can establish high protein densi-
ties in pore-spanning membranes by fusing proteoliposomes on
porous alumina. The characteristic property of bR, the light-
induced translocation of protons, is well described, which makes it
a suitable model transporter for our research purposes.
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