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Figure 8. Absolute value of the impedance | Z | of a pore-spanning bilayer from
LUVs (DPhPC/DOPC 6:4) on CPEO3-functionalized porous alumina with selec-
tively opened pore-bottoms with R ox = 8.9 Mȍ und C ox = 6.7 nF, previously de-
termined by EIS. The dashed line is the result of fitting the parameters of the
equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 7 B following approach (2): R el = 2000 ȍ, R m,o =
2.6 Mȍ, C m,o = 1.9 nF, R m,c = 0.89 Mȍ and C m,c = 5.8 nF. The solid line is the
result of fitting the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 7 C : R el = 2000 ȍ, R a = 2.3
Mȍ, C a = 8.2 nF. Buffer: 10 mM TRIS, 100 mM TMA, pH 8.6. 38
the capacitive properties of the membrane itself are obtained, the
overall resistance R a and, after applying Eq. (3), R m,c and R m,o can
be accurately determined in a simple fit routine. This is a prerequi-
site for the analysis of impedance data obtained in the presence of
active ion channels, as further discussed in Section IV.
As outlined in Section II, nano-BLMs are clearly advantageous
over classical BLMs, as they exhibit similar high membrane re-
sistances, but are at the same time attached to a substrate, which
makes these membranes long-term and mechanically stable. In the
following paragraphs, several examples will be given to demon-
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