Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 1. A) Teflon cell that is used for impedance analysis and
voltage clamp experiments on nano-BLMs. The porous alumina
substrate is clamped between two O-rings, which define the active
area. An electrode is placed in each compartment (two-electrode
configuration), which are connected to either an impedance ana-
lyser or the headstage of the patch clamp amplifier. B) Setup used
for electrical measurements on pore-spanning membranes obtained
from vesicle spreading. The porous substrate is located between
the two upper parts of the Teflon chamber by means of sealing
rings. The single pieces of the setup are tightly secured via the
third part of the setup, which serves as the trans compartment,
whereas the chamber on top is the cis compartment. Platinised
platinum electrodes in the cis and trans compartment (two-
electrode configuration) serve to detect the signal in impedance
and photocurrent measurements.
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