Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 2. Plot of log| Z | (solid circles) and I (solid triangles) against log f (Bode
plot) for a mercury-supported DPTL|DPhyPC bilayer incorporating gramicidin
from its 1u10 -7 M solution in aqueous 0.1 M KCl at -0.600 V vs. Ag|AgCl(0.1M
KCl). 2 The solid curve is the best fit of the equivalent circuit shown in the figure
to the impedance spectrum, with C s =0.25 PF, R m =106 k:, C m =14 nF, and
R : =146 :. Drop area = 2.2u10 -2 cm 2 . Top: structure of DPTL in tail-to-tail con-
tact with a DPhyPC lipid molecule. The double-headed arrows mark the lipoic
acid residue (lar), spacer (s) and lipid bilayer (m) sections of the tBLM.
1 /( Z C s ) , is <<R : ; the same is true for the impedance of the R m C m
mesh, which is determined by the lowest of the impedances of
these two elements in parallel, i.e., 1 /( Z C m ). At the highest fre-
quencies, | Z | is therefore controlled by R : , which is independent of
frequency and is characterized by a phase angle I=0. With de-
creasing frequency, 1 /( Z C m ) becomes greater than R : , while still
remaining lower than R m , and it is also > 1 /( Z C s ), because C s is >
C m . Hence, | Z | coincides with 1 /( Z C m ), and the log| Z | vs. log f plot
has a slope equal to -1, while the phase angle tends to 90°. With a
further decrease in frequency, 1 /( Z C m ) becomes comparable with
and ultimately less than R m , and the Bode plot tends to become
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