Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 5. Continuation.
tional connectivity of this region. Furthermore, the plasticity of
olfactory system suggests that the network is highly dynamic.
Thus, highly localized direct recording of ensembles of neurons in
the context of spatially resolved stimulation could serve as a pow-
erful tool to visualize the dynamic, functional connection map and
provide information necessary to understand the circuits and plas-
ticity in this and other neural systems.
We believe that in the future this novel approaches would en-
able to study experimentally the complete dynamics not just of
individual cells, but of a complete neuronal network or neural cir-
cuits in the brain. These integrated living electronic circuits will
clearly provide meaningful information about the real mechanisms
involved in electrical signal transduction in neuronal arrays, simu-
lating the activity in the brain.
The ability of NW-FETs devices to measure cellular and sub-
cellular activity gave the motivation to step forward to the next
level of complexity with biological interfaces and to use these
nanoelectronic devices for the recording from a whole organ, from
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