Cryptography Reference
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E(m r ) = 8(1− 43
512 ) M + 4(1− 42
512 ) M .
Substituting M by its theoretical mean estimate 443 as well as by its
empirical mean estimate 408 yields E(Y ) ≈ 0. In fact, for any M > 200, the
expression (1 − 43
Thus, E(Y ) =
512 ) M for E(Y ) becomes vanishingly small.
The experimental data also supports that in every instance, none of the words
Q[500],Q[501],...,Q[511] remains unknown.
Next, the following result can be used to determine the entire Q N array.
512 ) M + 4 (1 − 42
Theorem 10.5.8. Suppose the complete array P N and the 12 words Q[500],
Q[501], ..., Q[511] from the array Q are known. Then the entire Q N array
can be reconstructed in a time complexity linear in the size of Q.
Proof: Following the notation in Section 10.5.1, the equation for the
keystream generation of the first 12 steps of block B 3 is s 3,i = h 2 (Q[500 +
i])⊕Q N [i], 0 ≤ i≤ 11. Expanding h 2 (.), we get, for 0 ≤ i ≤ 11,
256 + (Q[500 + i]) (2)
(Q[500 + i]) (0)
Q N [i] = s 3,i
+ P N
Thus, we can determine
Q N [0],Q N [1],...Q N [11]
Now, applying Theorem 10.5.6 on these first 12 words of Q N , we can determine
all the words of Q N in linear time (in size of Q).
Applying Theorem 10.5.8 constitute the Fourth Phase of the algorithm.
After Q N is derived, its correctness needs to be verified. For this, one can
update P N as in block B 4 and generate 512 keystream words (with this P N
and the derived Q N ). If the generated keystream words entirely match with
the observed keystream words of block B 4 , then the guess can be assumed to
be correct. This verification is the Fifth (and final) Phase of the algorithm.
If a mismatch is found, the procedure needs to be repeated with the next
guess, i.e., with another possible value in [0,2 32 −1] of the word Q[y 1 ].
After Q N is correctly determined, the words of the Q array for all the
succeeding blocks can be deterministically computed from the update rule for
The above discussion is formalized in Algorithm 10.5.1, called Reconstruct-
Theorem 10.5.9. The data complexity of Algorithm 10.5.1 is 2 16
and its
time complexity is 2 42 .
Proof: For the First Phase, we do not need any keystream word. For
each of the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Phases, we need a separate block
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