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Proof: We have s u = h 1 (P[u⊟ 12])⊕P[u] and s v = h 1 (P[v ⊟ 12])⊕P[v].
s u
⊕s v =
h 1 (P[u ⊟ 12])⊕h 1 (P[v ⊟ 12])
The term
h 1 (P[u ⊟ 12]) ⊕h 1 (P[v ⊟ 12])
vanishes if and only if s u
⊕s v =
Assume that the array P from which the input to the function h 1 is selected
and the array Q from which the output of h 1 is chosen contain uniformly
distributed 32-bit elements. The notations h and U are used in Lemma 10.4.2,
which is in a more general setting than just HC-128; these may be considered
to model h 1 and Q respectively for HC-128.
Lemma 10.4.2. Let h(x) = U[x (0) ] + U[x (2) + 2 m ] be an n-bit to n-bit map-
ping, where each entry of the array U is an n-bit number, U contains 2 m+1
many elements and x (0) and x (2) are two disjoint m-bit segments from the n-
bit input x. Suppose x and x are two n-bit random inputs to h. Assume that
the entries of U are distributed uniformly at random. Then for any collection
of t distinct bit positions {b 1 ,b 2 ,...,b t
}⊆{0,1,...,n−1}, 0 ≤t ≤ n,
[h(x)] b l = [h(x )] b l
= γ m,t
where γ m,t = 2 −2m + (1−2 −2m )2 −t .
Proof: Each value v ∈ [0,2 n −1] can be expressed as the modulo 2 n sum
of two integers a,b ∈ [0,2 n − 1] in exactly 2 n ways, since for each choice of
a ∈ [0,2 n − 1], the choice of b is fixed as b = (v − a) mod 2 n . It is given
that each U[α] is uniformly distributed over [0,2 n − 1]. Thus, for uniformly
random α,β ∈ [0,2 m+1 − 1], the sum (U[α] + U[β]) mod 2 n is also uniformly
distributed and so is any collection of t bits of the sum.
Now, h(x) = U[x (0) ] + U[x (2) + 2 m ] and h(x ) = U[x ′(0) ] + U[x ′(2) + 2 m ]
can be equal in bit positions b 1 ,b 2 ,...,b t in the following two ways.
Case I: x (0) = x ′(0) and x (2) = x ′(2) . This happens with probability 2 −m
2 −m .
Case II: The event “x (0) = x ′(0) and x (2) = x ′(2) ” does not happen and still
U[x (0) ] + U[x (2) + 2 m ]
U[x ′(0) ] + U[x ′(2) + 2 m ]
match in the t
bits due to random association. This happens with probability (1 −
2 −2m )2 −t .
Adding the two components, we get the result.
γ m,t depends only on m,t and not on n, as is expected from the particular
form of h 1 (.) that uses only 2m bits from its n-bit random input. For HC-128,
we have n = 32 and m = 8. For the equality of the whole output word of
h 1 (.), one needs to set t = n = 32. Thus, Prob(h 1 (x) = h 1 (x )) = γ 8,32 =
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