Cryptography Reference
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According to Proposition 8.4.10,
S (ρ+1)N+y
= < b y ,b 0 ,b 1 ,...,b y−1 ,b y+1 ,...,b N−2 ,b N−1 >
= < a N−(ρ+1)+y ,a N−(ρ+1) ,a N−(ρ+1)+1 ,...,
a N−(ρ+1)+y−1 ,a N−(ρ+1)+y+1 ,...,a N−(ρ+1)−1 > .
Hence, the result holds for the case ρ + 1 also.
Now we prove item (2). In round ρN + y, the value of the deterministic
index i G is y (modN) and that of the index j G remains fixed at 0. Hence the
output is generated from the index
t ρN+y = S ρN+y [y] + S ρN+y [0].
Writing the permutation bytes in terms of the a y 's, we get the result.
Theorem 8.4.12. Consider the two rounds ρN + y and (ρ + 1)N + (y + 1),
ρ ≥ 0,1 ≤ y ≤ N − 2. The two keystream output bytes z ρN+y and
z (ρ+1)N+(y+1) come from the same location t = a N−ρ+y−1 + a N−ρ+y in the
respective permutations S ρN+y and S (ρ+1)N+(y+1) with the following charac-
1. t = 0 ⇐⇒ z ρN+y = z (ρ+1)N+(y+1) = S 0 [N −ρ + y].
2. t = y + 1 ⇐⇒ z ρN+y = suc 2 (z (ρ+1)N+(y+1) ) with respect to S 0 .
3. t ∈{0,1,...,y−1,y,y + 2,y + 3,...,N −1}
⇐⇒ z ρN+y = suc 1 (z (ρ+1)N+(y+1) ) with respect to S 0 .
Proof: Consider ρ ≥ 0,1 ≤y ≤ N −2. From Lemma 8.4.11, we get
t ρN+y
= t (ρ+1)N+(y+1)
= a N−ρ+y−1 + a N−ρ+y
= t (say).
Again from Lemma 8.4.11, we have
S ρN+y
= < a N−ρ+y ,a N−ρ ,a N−ρ+1 ,...,a N−ρ+y−1 ,a N−ρ+y+1 ,a N−ρ+y+2 ,
...,a N−ρ−2 ,a N−ρ−1 >,
S (ρ+1)N+(y+1)
= < a N−ρ+y ,a N−ρ−1 ,a N−ρ ,...,a N−ρ+y−2 ,a N−ρ+y−1 ,
a N−ρ+y+1 ,...,a N−ρ−3 ,a N−ρ−2 > .
Thus, t = 0 if and only if
z ρN+y
= z (ρ+1)N+(y+1)
= z (say).
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