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Here z 2 is the second byte of the faulty stream. Experimental results confirm
that at this point on average 240 entries of S are recovered and the rest can
be found from the original keystream. Wrong guesses of S N [S N [1]] can be
eliminated through inconsistency of the collected equations or by comparing
the original keystream with the stream generated from the recovered S N .
We summarize the above strategy of Hoch and Shamir in the form of
Algorithm HS-FaultAttack.
Input: The non-faulty keystream.
Output: The permutation S N after the KSA.
for 2 16 iterations do
Apply a fault to a single byte of the S N table;
Generate a faulty keystream of length 1024;
Identify the fault;
For faults affecting S N [1], form equations of the form (8.3);
Use the equations to infer the entries of S N from the known
Guess an unknown entry whenever necessary;
until all entries of S N are known ;
Check the recovered state for consistency with the non-faulty
If inconsistent, go to Step 8 to change the guesses and continue;
Algorithm 8.1.1: HS-FaultAttack
The algorithm requires 2 16 fault injections. Each of the data complexity
and the time complexity is of the order of 2 26 .
8.2 Impossible and Differential Fault Attacks
In [16], two fault attack models were proposed. One of them is called the
impossible fault attack [16, Section 3] that exploits the Finney cycle. Another
one is called the differential fault attack [16, Section 4]. We describe both of
them in this section.
8.2.1 Impossible Fault Attack
In the impossible fault attack model, the attacker repeatedly injects faults
into either register i G or register j G , until a Finney state is identified. If at
PRGA step r, S r
is identified to be in a Finney state, then according to Item
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