Cryptography Reference
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Case II: S x−1 [x] = S x+1 [x].
This happens with probability 1 − ( N− N ) N−2 . Given this, we assume
that x−z x can be equal to S x+1 [x] having any one of N −1 remaining
values other than S x−1 [x] with equal probabilities. Thus,
P(x−z x = S x+1 [x] | S x−1 [x] = S x+1 [x]) = 1− N
N −2
N(N −1) .
N −1 =
Combining these two cases, we have
P(x−z x = S x [j x + S x [x] + K[x])
= P(x−z x = S x+1 [x])
= P(S x−1 [x] = S x+1 [x])P(x−z x = S x+1 [x] | S x−1 [x] = S x+1 [x])
+P(S x−1 [x] = S x+1 [x])P(x−z x = S x+1 [x] | S x−1 [x] = S x+1 [x])
N−2 2
N −1
N −1
N −2
N(N −1)
N +
(for N = 256).
Thus, the relation
K[x] = S −1
[x−z x ]−j x + S x [x]
holds with probability 1.3 N . To achieve a success probability greater than 50%
for a 16-byte key with 3-byte IV, Klein's attack requires approximately 43000
7.5 PTW and VX Attacks
In [180], Tews, Weinmann and Pyshkin extended Klein's Attack to guess
sums of key bytes instead of individual key bytes. Let σ m =
κ[r]. Note
that κ[0] = σ 0 . Once σ 0 1 2 ,... are known, one can derive κ[r] as σ r
−σ r−1 .
As usual, assume that for x > 1, K[0],...,K[x−1] (and hence S x and j x )
are known. After the next m steps of the KSA, we have i x+m = x + m− 1
j x+m = j x +
(S r [r] + K[r]).
Then the swap in round x + m moves S x+m−1 [j x+m ] into S x+m [x + m−1].
Let us now calculate the lower bound of the probabilities of the following
two events.
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