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where t ≥ 0, 0 ≤ r ≤ N − 1. Note that p 0,r = P(S 0 [r] = r) can be directly
found from Theorem 3.2.3.
A natural method of calculating p r−1,r = P(S r−1 [r] = r) would be to use
Lemma 5.6.1 with X = r. But unlike Corollary 5.6.2, one cannot take the
initial round to be τ = 0 here. The reason is as follows. We know that after
the swap in the first round of the PRGA,
S 1 [S 0 [1]] = S 1 [j 1 ]
= S 0 [i 1 ]
= S 0 [1]
So, if S 0 [1] = r, then the event (S 1 [r] = r) occurs with probability 1. If
S 0 [1] = r, then S 1 [r] may contain r due to random association. Thus, for
any given r, there is a sharp jump between the probabilities p 0,r and p 1,r .
This means, one should consider τ = 1 as the initial round and then apply
Lemma 5.6.1 to calculate p r−1,r . This gives the following result.
Lemma 6.2.5. For r ≥ 3, the probability that S r−1 [r] = r is
1− 1
p r−1,r
≈ p 1,r
P(S 1 [t] = r)
1− 1
Observe that for t = r, P(S 1 [t] = r) coincides with p 1,r . In order to have
the explicit values of p r−1,r , we need the probability distribution P(S 1 [t] = r),
0 ≤t ≤ N −1. This is given in the following result.
Lemma 6.2.6. After the completion of the first round of RC4 PRGA, the
probability that S 1 [t] = r, 0 ≤ r ≤ N −1, is given by
P(S 1 [t] = r)
P(S 0 [1] = X)P(S 0 [X] = r),
t = 1;
P(S 0 [1] = r) + (1−P(S 0 [1] = r)) P(S 0 [r] = r),
t = r;
(1−P(S 0 [1] = t))P(S 0 [t] = r),
Proof: After the first round of RC4 PRGA, we obtain the state S 1 from
the initial state S 0 through a single swap operation between the positions
i 1 = 1 and j 1 = S 0 [i 1 ] = S 0 [1]. Thus, all other positions of S 0 remain the
same apart from these two. This gives us the value of S 1 [t] as follows.
: S 0 [S 0 [1]],
t = 1;
S 1 [t] =
S 0 [1],
t = S 0 [1];
S 0 [t],
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