Cryptography Reference
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3. If z r is equal to the value v previously assigned to index u of S G , then
t r = S r [i r ] + S r [j r ] becomes equal to u. This either uniquely deter-
mines S r [j r ] or leads to a contradiction.
The above algorithm can be e ciently implemented using recursion on the
time step r. The recursion steps backward if a contradiction is reached, due
to the previously wrong guesses. If M (out of N) many permutation entries
are a priori known, the complexity can be reduced further. For N = 256, the
complete attack complexity turns out to be around 2 779 . The time complexity
of the attack for various values of N and M are enumerated in Tables D.1
and D.2 of [110, Appendix D.4].
In [123], the cycle structures in RC4 are investigated in detail and a “track-
ing” attack is proposed. This strategy recovers the RC4 state, if a significant
fraction of the full cycle of keystream bits is available. For example, the state
of a 5-bit RC4-like cipher can be derived from a portion of the keystream
using 2 42 steps, while the nominal key-space of the system is 2 160 .
The work [165] showed that Knudsen's attack [87] requires 2 220 search com-
plexity if 112 entries of the permutation are known a priori. It also presents
an improvement whereby state recovery with the same complexity can be
achieved with prior knowledge of only 73 permutation entries in certain cases.
In [181], an improvement over [87] is proposed using a tree representation
of RC4. At time-step r, the nodes are distributed at r + 1 levels. Nodes at
level h, 0 < h ≤ r, correspond to the set of all possible positions in S r−h
where z r can be found. The nodes are linked by the branches which represent
the conditions to pass from one node to another. In order to find the internal
state, such a tree of general conditions is searched by a hill-climbing strategy.
This approach reduces the time complexity of the full RC4 state recovery from
2 779 to 2 731 .
5.8.3 Maximov et al.'s Attack
The best known result for state recovery has been reported in [116]. It
shows that the permutation can be reconstructed from the keystream in
around 2 241 complexity. This renders RC4 insecure when the key length is
more than 30 bytes (240 bits).
The basic idea of cryptanalysis in [116] is as follows. Corresponding to a
window of w + 1 keystream output bytes from some round r, it is assumed
that all the j G 's are known, i.e., j r ,j r+1 ,...,j r+w are known. Thus w many
state variable values S r+1 [i r+1 ],...,S r+w [i r+w ] can immediately be computed
S t+1 [i t+1 ] = j t+1
−j t ,
t = r,r + 1,...,r + w−1.
Then w many equations of type
(S t ) −1 [z t ] = S t [i t ] + S t [j t ],
t = r,r + 1,...,r + w.
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