Cryptography Reference
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where l ≤ M ≤ 2l, such that the correct values of at least n corr out of l key
bytes are uniquely determined and at least n in out of n corr are derived from
the filters in
[0,l−1]∪[N −1−l,N −2].
LetP be the set of the partially recovered key bytes, each of which is associated
with a single value, namely, the correct value of that key byte.
Next, a frequency table is built for the l−n corr many unknown key bytes
by guessing one j y+1 from the 8 values
S N [y],S −1
[y],S N [S N [[y]],S −1
[S −1
[y]],S N [S N [S N [y]]],
S −1
[S −1
[S −1
[y]]],S N [S N [S N [S N [y]]]] and S −1
[S −1
[S −1
[S −1
From two successive j values j y and j y+1 , 8 × 8 = 64 candidates for the
key byte K[y] are found. These candidates are weighted according to their
probabilities. The 256 possible values of each unknown key byte K[y] are
grouped into 4 sets of size 64 each. Let G y be the set of values obtained from
the above frequency table and let H 1,y ,H 2,y ,H 3,y be the other sets, called bad
sets. For 0 ≤ y ≤ l−1, let g y = P(K[y] ∈ G y ). Since empirical results show
that g y is almost the same for each y, one can use the average g = l
y=0 g y
in place of each g y .
After this, a bidirectional search is performed from both ends several times,
each time with exactly one of the sets {G y ,H 1,y ,H 2,y ,H 3,y
} for each unknown
key byte. The bad sets are used for at most b of the unknown key bytes. The
search algorithm, called BidirKeySearch, takes as inputs the final permutation
S N , the final value j N , the partially recovered key set P, a set S of l−n corr
many candidate sets each of size 64 and a d-favorable (t,t )-bisequence B.
For the left end, first one guesses the key bytes K[0],...,K[i 1 ] except
those in P. Starting with S 0 and j 0 , the KSA is run until S i 1 +1 and j i 1 +1
are obtained. Since the correct value of j i 1 +1 is known, the tuples leading to
the correct j i 1 +1 form a set T i 1 of candidate solutions for K[0...i 1 ]. These
tuples are said to “pass the filter” i 1 . Similarly, starting with j i 1 +1 and each
state S i 1 +1 associated with each tuple in T i 1 , the key bytes K[i 1 +1],...,K[i 2 ]
excluding those in P are guessed. Thus, a set T i 2 of candidate solutions is
obtained for K[0...i 2 ] passing the filter i 2 , and so on until a stage is reached
where a set T i t of candidate solutions for K[0...i t ] passing the left critical
filter i t would exist.
In the same manner, one starts with S N and j N and runs the KSA back-
wards until one has a set T i t of candidate solutions for K[i t + 1...l − 1]
passing the right critical filter i t .
Among the set of remaining key bytes
L = {K[i t + 1],...,K[i t+1 ]}\P
on the left, and the set of remaining key bytes
R = {K[i t +1 + 1],...,K[i t ]}\P
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