Cryptography Reference
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Proof: We would be referring to the events A 1 (y) and A 2 (y) in the proof
of Theorem 4.5.1. From Theorem 4.5.1, we have
y + 1
N −1
P (A 1 (y))
N −y
N −1
and P (A 2 (y))
For each probability p yx in items (1) and (2), we would consider two com-
ponents. The component which comes due to the contributions of the events
A 1 (y),A 2 (y) etc, would be called α yx . The other component is due to random
association and is given by (1−α yx ) N . So for each probability p yx , deriving
the part α yx su ces, as the total probability can be computed as
α yx + (1−α yx ) 1
N = N −1
N .
α yx +
Consider the update rule in the KSA:
j y+1 = j y + S y [y] + K[y],
0 ≤ y ≤N −1,
where j 0 = 0.
First, we prove item (1). Since S 0 [0] = 0, we can write j 1 = K[0]. Consid-
ering j 1 = S −1
[0], we have
α 01 = P (A 1 (0))
and considering j 1 = S N [0], we have
α 02 = P(A 2 (0)).
Substituting 0 for y in the expressions for P (A 1 (y)) and P (A 2 (y)), we get
the results.
Now, we come to item (2). In the update rule, S y [y] can be replaced by y,
assuming that it has not been touched by any one of j 1 ,j 2 ,...,j y in the first
y rounds of the KSA. This happens with a probability
N −1
0 ≤ y ≤N −1.
Assuming S y [y] = y, we can write
K[y] = j y+1
−j y
When considering the contribution of A 1 (y) to j y+1 , the factor ( N− N ) y need
not be taken into account, as the event (S y [y] = y) is already contained in
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