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however, that all the elements that form the vector of a check-point on a
trajectory are positive and their magnitudes are accumulated from the begin-
ning. Therefore, if we choose an intermediate check point, Q
k ,inQ
and its
corresponding check point, D
k ,inD
, we can be sure that
Dist Q ,D
Dist Q ,D
Dist Q ,D
Eq. (9.12) shows that a coarse-to-fine search strategy is appropriate for
a trajectory-based query. In the first step of the comparison between Q
Dist Q ,D
, we simply check the value of
. This step only needs to consider
four check points Q
N . Since the value of TDist(Q, D) must
be equal to or larger than that of, we can quickly determine that trajectory
D is not similar to Q if the returned value of
1 , D
1 , Q
N ,andD
Dist Q ,D
is greater than a
predefined threshold δ.
Once the value of
Dist Q ,D
<δ, we seek the second check points on
Q and D , respectively, by checking Q 2 and D 2 .IfQ 2 is chosen as Q
2 ,we
can insert D
2 into the right position between D 1 and D 2 and vice versa.
Furthermore, Q
and D
can be divided into four sub-trajectories by Q
2 and
Dist Q ,D
2 . Under these circumstances, we only compute the sum of
Dist Q ,D
as the distance between the sub-trajectories. If the distance
between two distinct sub-trajectories is still larger than a predefined threshold
δ, D will be filtered out. Otherwise, we insert Q
and D
to further compute
Dist Q ,D
Dist Q ,D
. The above newly computed distances replace
Dist Q ,D
the value of
, and the process is executed repeatedly until the
computed distance is larger than δ, or there are no more intermediate check
points within each sub-trajectory. Since most of the trajectories would be
filtered out by checking the first few control points, our proposed algorithm
is very e cient.
9.2.4 Experiment Results
In order to test the effectiveness and e ciency of our real-time event detec-
tion method, we tested our algorithm on the proposed surveillance systems
with monitors placed at eight different locations. These indoor/outdoor en-
vironments included a parking lot, the area in front of an elevator, and a
stairway. The corresponding background views taken at these locations are
shown in Fig. 9.5. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed color-
based blob tracking algorithm, the tracking results of the outdoor and indoor
environments are demonstrated in Figs. 9.6(a)(b) and Fig. 9.6(c), respec-
tively. Moving objects in Figs. 9.6(a)(b) were successfully tracked because
adaptive mixture Gaussian model is advantageous under changing illumina-
tions. In addition, the color histograms provide e cient computation and
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