Cryptography Reference
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g(c; β, µ, σ 2 )=βφ(c; µ, σ 2 )+(1−β)φ(c;−µ, σ 2 ).
Step 4: Update β (f,r) [t], µ (f,r) [t], and σ 2(f,r) [t] by the following formulas:
w (f,r)
β (f,r) [t +1]=
(f,r) [t +1]
w (f,r)
[t]c (f,r)
µ (f,r) [t +1]=
k w (f,r k [t]c (f,r)2
σ 2(f,r) [t +1]=
(f,r) [t +1]
−µ (f,r) [t] 2 .
Step 5: Stop the process and set
µ (f,r)
= µ (f,r) [t +1],
σ 2(f,r)
= σ 2(f,r) [t +1],
if the parameters satisfy the following conditions:
β (f,r) [t +1]−β (f,r) [t]<δ,
µ (f,r) [t +1]−µ (f,r) [t]<δ,
σ 2(f,r) [t +1]−σ 2(f,r) [t]<δ.
The BER of the region, y (f,r) , p (f,r) , is calculated from µ (f,r)
and σ 2(f,r)
by using formula (7.29).
7.4.4 Experimental Evaluation
We experimentally compared the ability of the statistically adaptive detection
technique to detect watermarks after MPEG-2 encoding for three different
bit rates (3, 4, and 5 Mbps) with that of Kalkers method by using the Walk
standard motion picture (450 frames of 720480 pixels) used in the evaluation
of the motion-adaptive embedding technique (Sect. 7.3.4).
A WM pattern representing 256-bit information (K = 256) was generated
using a pseudo-random generator [26] and embedded in each of four 360240-
pixel regions (R = 4) of every frame by using the multiple-bit-WM scheme
described in Sect. 7.4.1.
After MPEG-2 encoding and decoding for three different bit rates (3, 4,
5 Mbps), the 256-bit information was sequentially detected in 30-frame seg-
ments of the 450 frames of the watermarked pictures (F = 30; the number
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