Biomedical Engineering Reference
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self-motion com p onent
optic flow field
object-motion component
Fig. 4.5 a Optic flow field generated by combined motion of observer and object ( black dot ). b
The component of optic flow due to self-motion independent of object motion. c The component
of optic flow due to object motion independent of self-motion. The optic flow field ( a ) is the vector
sum of the self-motion ( b ) and object-motion ( c ) components
the vector sum of the object-motion component and the self-motion component (see
Fig. 4.5 ). Information about
ν min is found in the object-motion component of optic
flow. This is because the optical specification of
z m /
E involves
γ m (see Fig. 4.4 b),
which is the component of
that is due to the motion of the object independent of
the observer's self-motion. Recall that
is the visual angle between eye level and
the base of the moving object (see Fig. 4.1 ).
, which is the rate of change of
influenced by the movement of both the observer and the object. Specifically,
γ o (the rate of change of
γ m
the sum of
due to the observer's self-motion) and
(the rate of change of
due to object motion). Because the optical specification
ν min while moving requires the
visual system to factor out the influence of self-motion.
In principle, factoring out the self-motion component of optic flow could be
achieved using visual information about self-motion, non-visual information about
self-motion, or some combination of both. This leads to the prediction that manip-
ulations of visual and/or non-visual self-motion information should influence the
detection of information about
z m /
E involves
γ m , detecting information about
ν min and any actions that are selected on the basis
of such information. This prediction was recently tested using a VE to manipulate
self-motion information (Fajen and Matthis, in press; [ 8 ]).
4.6 Testing the Affordance-Based Approach
The task required subjects to judge whether they could safely walk through a shrink-
ing gap between a pair of converging obstacles before the gap closed. On each trial,
subjects were walking along a path at steady state when two cylindrical obstacles in
the VE positioned symmetrically about the path began to converge toward a point
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