Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 14
Redirected Walking in Mixed Reality
Training Applications
Evan A. Suma, David M. Krum and Mark Bolas
Abstract To create effective immersive training experiences, it is important to
provide intuitive interfaces that allow users to move around and interact with virtual
content in a manner that replicates real world experiences. However, natural loco-
motion remains an implementation challenge because the dimensions of the physical
tracking space restrict the size of the virtual environment that users can walk through.
To relax these limitations, redirected walking techniques may be employed to enable
walking through immersive virtual environments that are substantially larger than
the physical tracking area. In this chapter, we present practical design considera-
tions for employing redirected walking in immersive training applications and recent
research evaluating the impact on spatial orientation. Additionally, we also describe
an alternative implementation of redirection that is more appropriate for mixed real-
ity environments. Finally, we discuss challenges and future directions for research
in redirected walking with the goal of transitioning these techniques into practical
training simulators.
( B ) ยท D. M. Krun
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California,
5318 McConnell Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90066, USA
D. M. Krun
M. Bolas
School of Cinematic Arts, Institute for Creative Technologies,
University of Southern California, 5318 McConnell Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90066, USA
E. A. Suma
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