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9.6 Conclusion
This chapter introduced and described the various kinds of existing locomotion in-
terfaces: Sliding shoes, Treadmills, Foot-pads, and Robotic tiles. Main advantages
and limitations of each method were discussed. The preferred configurations for
serious applications would probably remain treadmill-based locomotion interfaces.
They can indeed create highest walking speeds in safe conditions. If a virtual envi-
ronment application requires uneven surfaces, foot-pad-based locomotion interface
should however be used. Specific mechanisms must be designed to better match
specific applications. Safety issues should be carefully considered in applications of
locomotion interfaces. A proper design of handrails can often solve this issue. Exam-
ples of application-driven devices were also presented such as for Gait rehabilitation
and Evacuation simulator. But locomotion interfaces are still in an immature state of
development. Significant trial-and-error will therefore be needed in order to realize
further advances in this promising research area.
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