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Figure 12. Base area, A , vs. time, t , for a bmim.BF 4 droplet immersed in hexadecane on a Teflon-
coated electrode and subjected to a DC voltage ( ! 50 V; " − 50 V; 1 100 V; 2 − 100 V; P 150 V;
Q − 150 V; e 200 V; a − 200 V): (a) spreading droplet; (b) retracting droplet. The solid lines are
the best fits of (a) A = a + b [ 1 exp ( t/τ) ]+ kt (exponential saturation with four parameters);
(b) A = a + b exp ( t/τ) (exponential decay with three parameters). Reprinted with permission from
Paneru et al. [50]. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.
Figure 13. Base area, A , vs. time, t , for a Rmim.BF 4
droplet immersed in hexadecane on a Teflon-
coated electrode, subjected to a DC saturation voltage.
D. Discussion
D.1. Electrowetting Performance
The range of static contact angles achievable with the system AF1600-ionic liquid-
alkane is extremely wide: from about 150 down to 48 (when using DC voltage)
or about 15 (when using AC voltage). The large values of the contact angles at
zero voltage, θ 0 , contribute to that range considerably. Since both alkane and Teflon
are apolar materials [70] (i.e., they interact almost exclusively through dispersion
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