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and Gu [79] is used here since it allows for the expression of several 'types' of
adsorption (e.g., Langmuir, S-type or 2 plateau). The isotherm of Eq. (6) can also
be applied to all three interfaces.
K xy C n xy
xy =
K xy C n xy
where xy is the limiting surface coverage (i.e., the maximum possible concen-
tration of surfactant on an interface) and K xy is the product of the equilibrium
constants for the first and second adsorption steps. The exponent, n xy ,isusedasan
empirical fitting parameter [80].
Combining Eqs (5) and (6) and integrating gives an expression for interfacial
tension as a function of surfactant concentration.
xy RT
n xy
K xy C n xy
γ xy
γ xy (C S )
ln ( 1
where γ xy is the interfacial tension for the pure liquid, i.e., for C S =
Proceeding, one can consider the Young, Wenzel and Cassie equations (Eqs (1)-
(3)). Taking the derivative of Eq. (1) for a given material, m , with respect to ln (C S ) ,
and applying Eq. (5), one obtains Eq. (8) describing the relationship between con-
tact angle and surfactant concentration for a smooth surface.
γ lv
dcos θ y | m
dln (C S )
lv cos θ y | m +
( sv
sl )
| m =
0 .
Equation (8) is identical to that obtained by El Ghzaoui [47]. Substituting the
isotherm model of Eq. (6) into Eq. (8) yields:
cos θ y | m
K lv C S n lv
lv RT
γ lv
dcos θ y | m
dln (C S )
K lv C S n lv
with the γ lv term in Eq. (9) given by Eq. (7) expressed at the liquid-vapor inter-
face. In this chapter, solid-vapor adsorption of surfactant on hydrophilic surfaces
is considered to model the autophobic effect. It is not needed (setting sv
sl RT
γ lv
K sl C S n sl
sv RT
γ lv
K sv C S n sv
K sl C S n sl
K sv C S n sl
0) for
hydrophobic surfaces [27, 70].
Equation (9) is a linear, inhomogeneous, ordinary differential equation with
variable coefficients. Applying the technique of variation of parameters results in
Eq. (10a), a modified Young's equation relating changes in smooth surface contact
angle with surfactant concentration:
θ y | m (C S )
cos 1
sl RT
n sl
sv RT
n sv
K sl C n s S )
K sv C n sv
cos θ y γ lv +
ln ( 1
ln ( 1
lv RT
n lv
K lv C n l S )
γ lv
ln ( 1
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