Biomedical Engineering Reference
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In vitro tests (ISO10993-5)
(cytotoxicity extract, «contact»)
Level 1: Cell “contact“-Test (ISO10993-5)
Level 2: Extract-Test (modified ISO10993-5)
Level 3: Cell contact-Test
In vivo test
Level 4: cell on growth-test
using 3D-Reaggregate
Level 5:Cell differentiation Test
Level 6: Cell-cell competition test
In vivo test (in vivo bioactivity)
C linical trials
C linical trials
Fig. 7 Schematic representation of the current and proposed in vitro test battery for assessing
biocompatibility. Schematic drawing of teh bone nicht: modified from 60
extracts. During the five days incubation period, the cell mass of the controls
should increase at least five-fold relative to the initial mass. A deviation of
observed cell mass would indicate that the material compromises the cell pro-
liferation rate. The difference between the three types of extracts enables a
statement of how far an initial toxicity may be of relevance (=[Answer to
questions 2-4).
All samples for the next four levels are incubated in culture medium for 24 h
before cells are seeded on them, ensuring that the protein layer composition is in
equilibrium. Furthermore, at the same time toxic constituents are excluded that are
released in the first 24 h in an initial burst type of release. As the time-point of
measurement, five days after seeding is taken as a reference point but may be
increased depending on the application, target tissue and cells. The subsequent
tests should be feasible for most cell types but for some cell types the proposed test
needs to be adapted.
• Level 3—cell adherence and spreading test: Cells are seeded on top of the test
material at a density such that they reach 50% confluence after five days. Cells
are stained for nuclei, actin and eventually for a typical differentiation marker.
Cell spreading is qualitatively assessed. This test evaluates how far cells are able
to attach to the test material surface, a process which should occur before
apoptosis is induced [ 91 ], and how far the test material supports ''normal'' cell
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