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Snapshot of the three-dimensional network structure produced from simulated aggregation of
particles with ϕ = 0.11, ε =4k B T, n 0 = 2. The pair interaction potential has a shorter finite attractive
range than the LJ potential. A coarse, phase separated structure is observed. Adapted from
Bijsterbosch and Bos ( 1995 ) with permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Figure 2.22
attributed to a percolating network. This plateau is referred as an
equilibrium modulus
G eq , on intermediate time scales, even though there are no formal links.
G eq increases in time after the quench, and depends on the interaction potential. As
seen in Figure 2.23 ,with
= 0.2, a transition appears between temperatures T * =0.5
and 0.7, which suggests the formation of a network and determines the gel line in
Figure 2.19 .
Obviously, the de
nition of the gel line from these simulations is somewhat impre-
cise because there is a lifetime associated with the persistence of the equilibrium
modulus. Gel-like behaviour was observed in the two-phase region of LJ potentials,
with comparatively large G eq values measured during relatively short lifetimes (of the
order of a 2 /D 0 ). With the other potentials, the network is more diffuse (see
Figure 2.20c ). For the shortest-ranged (36:18) interaction, any potential phase separa-
tion was largely arrested on long length scales for a signi
cant part of the simulation
times. This system displayed the weakest of all rheological gel-like features.
finite equilibrium modulus G eq is associated with a gelation threshold, the formation
of a percolating network ( Chapter 3 ) with distances between the particles close to the
minimum in the pair potential. In this situation the
sitions coincide. The value of G eq decreases with increasing temperature for the 12:6
potential. If temperature is maintained constant, G eq also increases with volume fraction.
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