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M w = 3 .0 × 10 4
M w / M n < 1.05
One-phase solution
Two-phase solution
Two-phase gel
10 0
Concentration (g L 1 )
Phase diagram of a narrowM w distribution aPS in nitropropane. Adapted with permission from Tan
et al.( 1983 ) © 1983 American Chemical Society.
Figure 8.10
High-sensitivity calorimetric measurements were carried out to evaluate the heat
associated with the sol
gel transition. A transition was detected with DSC cooling
scans, corresponding to the same temperature as T gel measured by the tilted test tube
method. From the exotherm associated with this transition, a
heat of gelation
of the
2Jg 1 was calculated, which is a very low value, probably undetectable by
earlier authors. The phase diagrams ( Figures 8.9 and 8.10 ) for aPS indicate that gelation
occurs as a distinct transition and that the phenomenon is not caused by phase separation.
In this case, gelation behaviour is determined by polymer
order of 1
solvent interactions, but does
not correlate in a simple way with the binodal curve. Gel formation does not appear to
correlate with the glass transition of the highly plasticized polymer either, as was the case
for aPS-TD. The critical gelation concentration (in our notation, c 0 ) is strongly dependent
on M w . The authors also conclude that chain overlap is a necessary condition for gel
formation; since the
is so small, this may be reasonable.
The gelation behaviour of the polydisperse aPS-CS 2 system was compared with two
narrow M w distribution samples, one of a similar M w and the other of a similar M n .The
narrow fraction with similar M w exhibits a sol
heat of gelation
gel transition at higher temperature and
has a lower c 0 than the polydisperse system. On the other hand, the polymer with
similar M n shows very comparable gelation behaviour, i.e. almost identical sol
transition temperature and c 0 .Presumablythelow-M w tail of the polydisperse poly-
mers remained in solution at the sol
gel transition and hence did not in
uence the
gelation behaviour.
In order to further clarify the mechanisms of gelation of aPS in CS 2 , Yanxiang and
Deyan ( 1997 ) investigated solutions by IR spectroscopy. They examined the possibility
of a conformational change in the polymer inducing gelation, and made some interesting
observations. In the IR spectra of aPS, the spectral region 500
600 cm 1 has been found
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