Biomedical Engineering Reference
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second dif
culty is establishing the mechanism of macromolecular self-assembly, with
respect to temperature, concentration variation or time, for instance. In this case there is
no way of diluting the samples to characterize the clusters. The characterization has to be
done in situ in the course of aggregation. For a kinetic process, the time is limited. When
examining changes in rheological properties, it is not possible to explore any window of
frequency; frequency has to be adapted to the time dependence of the gelation parameter,
which is supposed to remain constant during any one experimental run.
Rheological methods have become among the most important and widely used for
investigation of gelation processes. The use of the power-law criteria became very popular
on this type of systems, albeit over a limited range of frequencies. In many but not all cases,
these lead, at some
, to parallelism of G 0 and G 00 versus frequency in a double
logarithmic scale. However, many cases reported correspond to a de
reaction time
nition of the
where G 00 >G 0 over the whole range of frequencies investigated. Clearly, this point
should not be identi
nite network; the next-
closest step (one more link added to the largest cluster) should indeed correspond to a
connected network, with an equilibrium modulus at low frequency. Sometimes this is the
case, but in other cases it seems that the medium is not close to reaching a permanent
modulus, and a larger concentration or a lower temperature must be used to step into the gel
solid-like phase. We shall discuss these points further in the next chapters.
Despite this, percolation models and the Winter
ed as the last step before formation of the in
Chambon criteria both seem to
converge towards the same de
nition of the gel point, although how closely they agree
is still a matter for debate. Certainly the Winter
nition of the gel point is
open to criticism on a number of grounds: that it neglects the effect of topologically
Chambon de
entanglements; that it assumes linear viscoelasticity even for extremely tenuous
physical gels when the linear viscoelastic strain may tend to zero at the gel point; that
systems are known that generate a Winter
Chambon type of mechanical spectrum even
though they are patently not gels.
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Carmesin, I., Kremer, K., 1988. Macromolecules 21 , 2819 - 2823.
Clark, A. H., 1993. Polymer Gels and Networks 1 , 139 - 158.
Clark, A. H., Ross-Murphy, S. B., 1985. Br. Polym. J. 17 , 164 - 168.
Clark, A. H., Ross-Murphy, S. B., 1987. Adv. Polym. Sci. 83 ,57 - 192.
Cohen, Y., Talmon, Y., 1987. Ultramicroscopy 23 , 251.
Colby, R. H., Rubinstein, M., Gillmor, J. R., Mourey, T. H., 1992. Macromolecules 25 , 7180 - 7187.
Daoud, M., 1979. J. Phys., Lett. 40 , L 201
Daoud, M., Coniglio, A., 1981. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 14 , L301
de Arcangelis, L., 2003. Comput. Sci. Eng. 5 ,78
de Gennes, P.-G., 1976. J. Phys., Lett. 37 ,L1 - L2.
de Gennes, P.-G., 1977. J. Phys., Lett. 38 , L355 - L358.
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