Biomedical Engineering Reference
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between these two grafts is not the hierarchical structure but the bioactive
components. Therefore, when it comes to the fabrication of composites
mimicking natural bone for bone defect repair, functional biomimetics
should be paid more attention along with the componential and structural
Besides, the unique assemblies of organic/inorganic hybrids are ubiqui-
tous in many natural calcifi ed tissues. Many features of biomineralization
processes present in bone are also found in other systems. A better under-
standing of the structure, formation, and dissolution of such organic/min-
erals units in mineralized collagen will lead to improve the understanding
on the formations of other calcifi ed tissues. This knowledge will also be
helpful in the treatment of widespread pathological calcifi cations, such
as atherosclerosis, stone formation, or dental calculus. Further progress
in the topic of mineralized collagen materials can be expected to come
from modern genetics, where gene structures are now known to control
the dynamic self-assembly of both cellular and protein processes.
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2. E.M. Younger and M.W. Chapman, Morbidity at bone graft donor sites.
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4. P.X. Ma and J.H. Elisseeff, Scaffolding in Tissue Engineering . CRC Press, 2005.
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6. G.E. Amiel, et al ., Engineering of blood vessels from acellular collagen matri-
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7. P.B. Saadeh, et al ., Repair of a critical size defect in the rat mandible using
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8. S.M. Vickers, L.S. Squitieri, and M. Spector, Effects of cross-linking type II col-
lagen-GAG scaffolds on chondrogenesis in vitro : Dynamic pore reduction
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9. A. Nanci, Ten Cate's Oral Histology-E-Book: Development, Structure, and
Function . Mosby, 2007.
10. T.G. Spiro, Calcium in Biology , Vol. 6. John Wiley & Sons, 1983.
11. J. Termine and E. Eanes, Comparative chemistry of amorphous and apa-
titic calcium phosphate preparations. Calcifi ed Tissue International , 10(1):
p. 171-197, 1972.
H. Zhang, et al . Characterizing Hierarchical Structures of Natural Ivory .
Cambridge Univ Press, 1993.
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