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on the scaffolds [43]. GBMCs adhered, proliferated and showed osteogenic
differentiation on the scaffold. This was confi rmed after 14 days of culture
in osteogenic medium by alkaline phosphatase activity and immunohisto-
chemistry assays. The cells differentiated into chondrocytes after 21 days
of culture in chondrogenic medium. Their results indicated that bilayered
HA/CS scaffolds can be used for repair of osteochondral defects.
Zhang et al. cultured human fetal osteoblast cells (hFOB) on electros-
pun HA/CS nanocomposite scaffold. The cultured cells showed better cell
proliferation and mineral deposition than those cells cultured on plain chi-
tosan scaffolds as in Figure 14.6. This is attributed to the osteoconductive
( b )
( a )
( c )
( d )
( e )
( f )
Figure 14.6 Mineral depositions of hFOB on the electrospun nanofi brous
scaffolds: CTS, day 10 (a) and day 15 (c); HAp/CTS, day 10 (b) and day 15
(d); apatite-like morphology of deposit at higher magnifi cation (e); visible tiny
globular minerals and collagen bundles associated with a single hFOB cell
viewed at higher magnifi cation (f). Reprinted with permission from ref. [3].
Copyright (2008) Elsevier.
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