Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Lipoteichoic acids : In lipoteichoic acids (LTA), polysaccharides
lengthen through the peptidoglycan layer and come out on the cell surface
[34]. Only gram
positive bacteria have these LTA structures which work
like antigenic determinants [35].
Lipopolysaccharides : The lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are present on the
cell surface of the gram
negative bacteria and are connected to the outer
membrane of the bacteria by lipid molecules [36].
Bacterial growth: Bacteria growth is similar to eukaryotic growth in
which a single cell divides into two daughter cells; this process is known
as binary fi ssion of the cells (Figure 7.6). During the division process
chromosomal DNA duplicates, followed by inward growth of the bacte-
rial membrane and cell wall, and fi nally a mother cell divides into two
daughter cells [7]. Bacteria have their usual habit to form a colony on the
substrate. The colony of E.coli bacteria is shown in Figure 7.7, where the
substrate is the gelatine
coated glass control.
Bacteria just after division
Bacteria in division state
2 μ m
Figure 7.6 SEM image revealing binary fi ssion of E.coli bacteria after growing on
a tissue culture glass control surface (unpublished image).
20 μ m
10 μ m
Figure 7.7 SEM images to illustrate colony formation of E.coli on glass substrate
(unpublished image).
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