Biomedical Engineering Reference
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P int in Eq. ( 6.10 )isthe
internal power obtained by replacing the virtual velocities in Eq. ( 6.6 ) for their real
counterparts. Following Stålhand et al. ( 2008 ) we take the free energy to be given
for all admissible evolutions of the state variables. The term
ψ p (λ)
f(ε ft cb cd , n )
ψ q (q)
ψ n (n i ),
where ψ p is the strain energy stored in the parallel spring, ψ cb is the free energy
for the cross-bridges, ψ q and ψ n are the free energies associated with the calcium
ion concentration and myosin states, respectively, and f ∈[
describes the strain
dependence of the force generation due to filament overlap. Replacing the virtual ve-
locities in Eq. ( 6.6 ) for their true counterparts and substituting the result into ( 6.10 )
together with Eqs. ( 6.5 ) and ( 6.11 ), gives, after some rearrangement of the terms,
T p +
0 , 1
˙ λ
∂ψ p
f ∂ψ cd
∂ε cd
f ∂ψ cd
∂ε cd
∂ε ft ψ cb
T cd
T cd
ε ft
T q
f ∂ψ cb
∂ψ q
∂ψ n
T ft (
ε ft +
· ˙
0 , (6.12)
where the dot denotes a scalar product. Assuming the first and fourth terms in
Eq. ( 6.12 ) to be non-dissipative gives
∂ψ p
f ∂ψ cd
∂ε cd ,
∂ψ q
∂q ,
t q =
where Eqs. ( 6.8 ) have been substituted. Back-substitution of Eqs. ( 6.13 ) and ( 6.14 )
into ( 6.12 ) gives the reduced dissipation inequality
f ∂ψ cb
f ∂ψ cd
∂ε cd
∂ψ n
∂ε ft ψ cb
T cd
ε ft +
T ft (
ε ft +
n +
· n
0 . (6.15)
To guarantee that energy dissipates during contraction, first assume the stronger
condition that each term in Eq. ( 6.15 ) satisfies the inequality, i.e., is greater than
zero. Second, take the friction clutch stress to be
n C μf ( ˙ ε ft + ν),
˙ ε ft
0 ,
T ft =
n C μf (
ε ft +
n D μf
ε ft , if
ε ft > 0 ,
where μ> 0, and the factors n C μf and n D μf may be thought of as friction coeffi-
cients. Equation ( 6.16 ) is inspired by the contractile force in Murtada et al. ( 2010 )
and it is assumed that only cycling cross-bridges contribute to the force generation,
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