Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 6.1 The mechanical
element for the smooth
muscle comprising a
contractile unit and a parallel
spring. The reference length
of the element is L ( top ). The
filaments are first translated a
u ft in the figure by
the friction clutch ( middle )
followed by an extension of
the cross-bridges a distance
u cd ( bottom )
and unattached myosin ( B ) , phosphorylated and attached myosin ( C ) , and dephos-
phorylated and attached myosin ( D ) . Because myosin must be attached to actin to
generate force, only the states C and D are associated with force generation. The
difference is that the myosin heads in state C undergo the cross-bridge cycle and
generate force through the power stroke while myosin heads in state D are believed
to be non-cycling and work as passive springs resisting extension. The latter state is,
therefore, often referred to as the 'latch state'. The transformation between the four
myosin states is given by a first-order kinetic model (Hai and Murphy, 1988 ),
n A
n B
n C
n D
k 1
k 2
k 7
n A
n B
n C
n D
d t
k 2
k 1
k 3
k 4
k 4
k 3
k 5
k 6
k 5
k 6
k 7
where n A , n B , n C , and n D are the fractions of myosin in the states A, B, C, and D,
respectively, and k 1 ,...,k 7 are reaction rates. Since the myosin states are given as
fractions, their sum must equal one, i.e.,
n A +
n B +
n C +
n D =
1 .
The reaction rates k 1 and k 6 in Eq. ( 6.1 ) control the phosphorylation of myosin. The
phosphorylation is governed by a complex chain of events (Alberts et al., 2008 )but
is ultimately dependent on the intracellular calcium ion concentration in a sigmoid-
shaped manner, see Arner ( 1982 ). This behavior can be modeled by taking the rate
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