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Fig. 28.7 3D-0D simulation results for spontaneous breathing. ( a ) Bronchial pressure distribution
at maximum inspiration. ( b ) Pressure curve at the 3D boundary ( line ) and at the 0D boundary
( circles ) in the right bottom lobe. ( c ) Simulated flowrate at the inlet of the trachea
Recently, we have also developed a novel approach for the coupling of 3D and 0D
airway models. Hence, we can resolve in detail local flow patterns in larger airways,
whereas a reduced-dimensional model is utilized to approximate the distribution of
pressure and flow in the peripheral region.
To determine tissue stresses and strains relevant to VALI, though, a 3D model
of the alveolar region is essential. Therefore, future work will be concerned with
a novel 3D-0D-3D coupling based on a modification of our volume coupling ap-
proach. This way, we can combine the advantages of 3D and 0D airways and enable
a reasonable investigation of alveolar mechanics during (mechanical) ventilation
for the first time. In order to validate our computational models, we plan to cor-
relate simulation results with medical data obtained from, e.g., positron emission
tomography (PET) or electrical impedance tomography (EIT). Although developed
against the background of VALI, our approaches are by no means restricted to this
particular application. Hence, we believe that our models can promote further un-
derstanding of the lung under healthy and diseased conditions. Thus, they will be
valuable for answering a number of questions brought up by the medical and bio-
logical community.
Acknowledgements Support by the German Science Foundation/Deutsche Forschungsgemein-
schaft (DFG) through projects WA1521/6-2, WA1521/9-2, and WA1521/9-2 within the priority
program 'Protective Artificial Respiration' (PAR) is gratefully acknowledged.
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