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27.5 Conclusions
While in silico simulations are gaining popularity, and have even been referred to
as the 'third method of science', following logic and experiment (Kelly, 1998 ), ad-
equate validation is the only way to ascertain the level of fidelity, and thus, the
advantage of such studies. It is generally accepted that the 'gold standard' method
of validation is a complementary in vivo investigation, ideally carried out within
the same research group. Both in silico and in vivo approaches should focus on
the same research questions, and match boundary conditions, time scales, and other
relevant parameters on the sample basis. Additionally, current imaging capabilities
allow the use of the experiment data as direct input for the computational models,
an improvement that should be taken advantage of for all suitable studies. Finally,
it is important that both qualitative and quantitative modules of validation are com-
prehensively evaluated for the convincing evidence of the algorithm's capability to
produce realistic results.
Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the European Union for
the Osteoporotic Virtual Physiological Human project (VPHOP FP7-ICT2008-223865) and com-
putational time from the Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS, Manno, Switzerland).
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