Biomedical Engineering Reference
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For example, consider a mixture consisting of any number of constituents α .The
true density of a specific constituent, ρ T , represents the mass d m α of α , per volume
d V α of α , in an elemental region d V ; thus, ρ T =
d m α / d V α . The true density is an
intrinsic property of constituent α . In a saturated mixture, the volume of the ele-
mental region is the sum of the constituent volumes, d V
= α d V α . Therefore, it is
also possible to define the apparent density of constituent α as ρ α
d m α / d V .The
apparent density represents a measure of the relative content of α in the mixture.
An alternative measure of relative content is the volume fraction ϕ α
d V α / d V .
This measure is most useful when constituents are intrinsically incompressible, in
which case ρ α
ϕ α ρ T ; ρ α and ϕ α may be used interchangeably since ρ T is invari-
ant in that case. In a saturated mixture, the volume fractions satisfy α ϕ α
1; if
the volume fraction of solutes is negligible, this relation reduces to ϕ s
ϕ w
where α
w represents the sol-
vent. Another common measure of relative content, normally used for solutes, is
the molar concentration c α , defined as the number of moles d n α in the elemen-
tal region, per volume of the solution; thus, c α
s represents the porous solid matrix and α
d n α /( d V
d V s ) . Since the mo-
lar mass of α is defined as M α
d m α / d n α (an invariant property), it follows that
ρ α
ϕ w M α c α . Many classical relations from chemistry employ
c α as measure of solute content; some applications in bone mechanics employ ρ s to
describe trabecular bone density; and applications in cartilage mechanics use ϕ s in
the formulation of various constitutive relations. Other measures of relative content
are also commonly used (e.g., molality, molar fraction, or mass fraction for solute
content); thus, users of mixture theory must be comfortable switching among these
various measures, depending on the needs of a particular analysis.
The motion of each constituent α of a mixture is given by χ α ( X α ,t) , where
χ α represents the position at time t of a material point initially located at X α .The
velocity of α is given by v α
ϕ s )M α c α
( 1
χ α /∂t . In biological tissues, the mixture includes
a solid matrix and the boundaries of the tissue are normally defined on that solid.
Therefore, the solid may be viewed as a special constituent that may serve as a
reference for the motion of the others. The mass flux of constituent α relative to
the solid is given by m α
v s ) ; note here that the mass flux is defined as
the rate of mass of α crossing a unit area of the mixture normal to the direction
of v α
ρ α ( v α
v s . The volumetric flux of constituent α relative to the solid is given by
w α
ϕ α ( v α
v s ) ; and the molar flux is j α
ϕ s )c α ( v α
v s )
ϕ w c α ( v α
v s ) .
( 1
These fluxes are related by m α
ρ T w α
M α j α .
17.2.1 Mass Balance
In the absence of chemical reactions, the differential statement of the axiom of mass
balance for constituent α maybegivenby
∂ρ α
∂t +
div ρ α v α =
0 .
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