Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 10.3 Schematic
overview of the seven steps in
the FE simulation
representing the loading
history of arterial clamping
( steps 1-4 ) and the functional
damage assessment
( steps 5-7 )
boundary conditions are modified to a pulsating pressure between 10 and 16 kPa,
that gradually decays to zero when the vessel is completely closed. To keep track
of the maximum energy level reached for each constituent at every integration point
of the system, the four extra solution dependent variables are updated and stored at
each step as internal variables β i . At the end of the simulation, these solution de-
pendent variables are again written to a matrix using Python scripting to inform the
next step.
10.5.2 Functional Damage Assessment
After clamping, damage has accumulated in the different constituents. For the
smooth muscle cells, this amount of damage can be calibrated and validated in a
myograph, as explained in Sect. 10.2 . The simulation starts from the same mesh
as in step 1 of Sect. 10.5.1 . Initial conditions are specified for the solution depen-
dent variables taking into account the earlier loading history through the internal
variables β i . The material model is adapted such that damage due to the energy
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