Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Segmentation has also been addressed with neural
networks in several applications [2, 28, 37, 40, 69, 82,
101, 132] .
6.4.8 Concluding remarks
Segmentation is an important step in many medical ap-
plications involving measurements, 3D visualization,
registration, and computer-aided diagnosis. This chapter
was a brief introduction to the fundamental concepts of
segmentation and methods that are commonly used.
Selection of the ''correct'' technique for a given ap-
plication is a difficult task. Careful definition of the goals
of segmentation is a must. In many cases, a combination
of several techniques may be necessary to obtain the
segmentation goal. Very often integration of information
frommany images (acquired from different modalities or
over time) helps to segment structures that otherwise
could not be detected on single images.
As new and more sophisticated techniques are being
developed, there is a need for objective evaluation and
quantitative testing procedures [17, 20, 26] . Evaluation
of segmentation algorithms using standardized protocols
will be useful for selection of methods for a particular
clinical application.
Clinical acceptance of segmentation techniques de-
pends also on ease of computation and limited user su-
pervision. With the continued increases in computer
power, the automated realtime segmentation of multi-
spectral and multidimensional images will become
a common tool in clinical applications.
Figure 6.4-11 Rendering of 3D anatomical models and 2D MRI
cross-sections of a patient with a meningioma. The models of the
skin surface, the brain, and the tumor (green) are based on
automatically segmented 3D MRI data. The precentral gyrus
(yellow) and the corticospinal tract (blue) are based on a previously
aligned digital brain atlas [61] . (Courtesy of Drs. Ron Kikinis, Mi-
chael Kaus, and Simon Warfield, Surgical Planning Lab, De-
partment of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston.)
segmentation was carried out with the algorithm of Kaus
et al. [60] . This visualization was used to support pre-
operative surgical planning for tumor resection.
In some medical images, regions that have similar
average intensities are visually distinguishable because
they have different textures. Each pixel can be assigned
a texture value and the image can be segmented using
texture instead of intensity [6, 79] .
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