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such that
where W ( u, v ) and F ( u, v ) are the Fourier transforms of
the kernel and the image, respectively. Therefore, en-
hancement can be achieved directly in the frequency
domain by multiplying F ( u, v ), pixel-by-pixel, by an ap-
propriate W ( u, v ) and forming the enhanced image with
the inverse Fourier transform of the product. Noise
suppression or image smoothing can be obtained by
eliminating the high-frequency components of F ( u, v ),
while edge enhancement can be achieved by eliminating
its low-frequency components. Since the spectral
filtering process depends on a selection of frequency
parameters as high or low, each pair ( u, v ) is quantified
with a measure of distance from the origin of the
frequency plane,
Dðu; vÞ¼
Efgðm; nÞg ¼ fðm; nÞ
s d
s g ¼
p ;
where E {
} is the expected value operator, s g is
the standard deviation of g ( m, n ), and s d is that of the
noise. Noise suppression is more effective for larger
values of Q .
$ Change enhancement by image
u 2 þ v 2 ;
Image subtraction is generally performed between two
images that have significant similarities between them.
The purpose of image subtraction is to enhance the dif-
ferences between two images (1). Images that are not
captured under the same or very similar conditions may
need to be registered [17] . This may be the case if the
images have been acquired at different times or under
different settings. The output imagemay have a very small
dynamic range and may need to be rescaled to the avail-
able display range. Given two images f 1 ( m, n ) and f 2 ( m, n ),
the rescaled output image g ( m,n ) is obtained with
bðm; nÞ¼f 1 ðm; nÞf 2 ðm; nÞ
which can be compared to a threshold D T to determine if
( u, v ) is high or low. The simplest approach to image
smoothing is the ideal low-pass filter W L ( u, v ), defined to
be 1 when D ( u, v ) D T and 0 otherwise. Similarly, the
ideal high-pass filter W H ( u, v ) can be defined to be 1
when D ( u, v ) D T and 0 otherwise. However, these
filters are not typically used in practice, because images
that they produce generally have spurious structures that
appear as intensity ripples, known as ringing [5] . The
inverse Fourier transform of the rectangular window
W L ( u, v )or W H ( u, v ) has oscillations, and its convolution
with the spatial-domain image produces the ringing.
Because ringing is associated with the abrupt 1 to 0 dis-
continuity of the ideal filters, a filter that imparts
a smooth transition between the desired frequencies and
the attenuated ones is used to avoid ringing. The com-
monly used Butterworth low-pass and high-pass filters
are defined respectively as
bðm; nÞ min fbðm; nÞg
max fbðm; nÞg min fbðm; nÞg
gðm; nÞ¼f max $
where f max is the maximum gray level value available,
b ( m,n ) is the unstretched difference image, and
min{ b ( m,n )} and max{ b ( m,n )} are the minimal and
maximal values in b ( m,n ), respectively.
1 þ c½Dðu; vÞ=D T 2 n
B L ðu; vÞ¼
6.3.6 Frequency domain
1 þ c½D T =Dðu; vÞ 2 n ;
B H ðu; vÞ¼
Linear filters used for enhancement can also be imple-
mented in the frequency domain by modifying the
Fourier transform of the original image and taking the
inverse Fourier transform. When an image g ( m, n )is
obtained by convolving an original image f ( m, n ) with
a kernel w ( m, n ),
where c is a coefficient that adjusts the position of the
transition and n determines its steepness. If c ¼ 1, these
two functions take the value 0.5 when D ( u, v ) ¼ D T .
Another common choice for c is
p 1, which yields
0.707 ( 3 dB) at the cutoff D T . The most common
choice of n is 1; higher values yield steeper transitions.
The threshold D T is generally set by considering the
power of the image that will be contained in the pre-
served frequencies. The set S of frequency parameters
( u, v ) that belong to the preserved region, i.e., D ( u, v )
D T for low-pass and D ( u, v ) D T for high-pass,
gðm; nÞ¼wðm; nÞ * fðm; nÞ;
the convolution theorem states that G ( u, v ), the Fourier
transform of g ( m, n ) is given by
Gðu; vÞ¼Wðu; vÞFðu; vÞ;
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