Cryptography Reference
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Then comes the subtraction of qhat
b from the part u := ( a i a i 1 ...a i n ) B of
the dividend, which is replaced by the difference thus calculated. There are two
things to note:
The products qhat
b j can have two digits. Both digits are saved for the time
being in the ULONG variable carry . The more-significant word of carry is dealt
with as a carry in the subtraction of the next-higher digit.
For the case that qhat is still too large by 1 and the difference u − qhat · b is
negative, as a precaution the value u := B n +1 + u − qhat · b is calculated
and the result considered modulo B n +1 as the B complement u of u . After
the subtraction the highest digit u i +1 of u is located in the most-significant
word of the ULONG variable borrow . Finally, that qhat is here too large by 1
is recognized in that u i +1
=0 . In this case the result is corrected in the
following by the addition u ← u + b modulo B n +1 .
borrow = BASE;
carry = 0;
for (bptr_l = LSDPTR_L (b_l), rptr_l = lsdptrr_l;
bptr_l <= msdptrb_l; bptr_l++, rptr_l++)
if (borrow >= BASE)
*rptr_l = (USHORT)(borrow = ((ULONG)*rptr_l + BASE -
(ULONG)(USHORT)(carry = (ULONG)*bptr_l *
qhat + (ULONG)(USHORT)(carry >> BITPERDGT))));
*rptr_l = (USHORT)(borrow = ((ULONG)*rptr_l + BASEMINONEL -
(ULONG)(USHORT)(carry = (ULONG)*bptr_l * qhat +
if (borrow >= BASE) {
*rptr_l = (USHORT)(borrow = ((ULONG)*rptr_l + BASE -
*rptr_l = (USHORT)(borrow = ((ULONG)*rptr_l + BASEMINONEL -
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